I just wanted to share the news! Beachbody just made the announcement, the much anticipated Coaching commercial will be released Jan. 16th!
If you were considering becoming a coach, then now really is the time. Why are you going to do all the hard work (using the program, getting results), and then let someone who signs up from an infomercial have a higher rank then you in the system?
There is an awesome video below telling you more about coaching and the commissions!
I'd really love to get you started today! If you have questions, please email me at HeatherB@BeachbodyCoach.com. We can set up a time to talk on the phone and get all your questions answered!
Are you ready to get started today? Simply click here and then hit the red "Start Here" button!
Get Ready for the Revolution
Dear Diamond Coach,
Do whatever you need to do to get ready for the new Coaches we anticipate signing up when the Beachbody Revolution™ Infomercial begins airing on Friday, January 16*!
As a Beachbody Coach, you can watch your business grow in a few different ways just by meeting certain qualifications!
When the informercial is aired, Beachbody's brand-new Beachbody® Coach Connection Program kicks in. This is a way to get free coaches to grow your business!
When people see the infomercial and call to sign up to be Coaches, we will pass them on to our qualified Diamond Coaches only!
The current qualifications are:
1. You must meet all of the requirements in the Customer Lead Program, including engaging in real-time WOWY® workouts at least eight times in the preceding 30 days, being an active Club member, and having posted a completed profile page with at least a bio and a "before" photo.
2. You must be a paid rank of Diamond.
3. You must have at least 100 PV originating from new or ongoing Home Direct orders in the last 30 days, of which at least 50 PV originate from your personal Home Direct orders.
4. In the last 60 days, you must have achieved one of the following:
◦ Personally sponsored a new Coach who didn't come from the Beachbody Coach Connection Program.
◦ Made at least one rank advancement in your personally sponsored organization.
The next opportunity to get free coachees is through the Beachbody CUSTOMER LEAD PROGRAM
Fueled by a $50+ million annual media budget, Beachbody® has one of the most innovative and generous customer lead programs i n the business . These are leads that have already said “Yes ! ” to Beachbody products.
As an qualified Emerald Coach or higher meeting all Customer Lead Program qualifications, you become
eligible to participate in this exciting program.
Here’s how it works:
Customer s who respond to Beachbody ® infomercials to purchase fitness programs are also invited to join
the Team Beachbody Club or play the Million Dollar Body Game®. In both cases, they are informed that they will have an opportunity to engage with a Beachbody Coach, who will help them reach their goals. Customers who say “Yes !” to either joining the Team Beachbody Club or to playing the Mi l l i o n Dollar Body Game are passed to Team Beachbody where a customer account is created for them and they are assigned to a qualified Emerald or higher - ranking Coach. These customers appear in the assigned Coach’s Online Office under the “Customer ” tab. These customers are also offered an ActiVit® continuity program which may add to your potential income.
Do I have to pay for these customer leads?
No, but in order to receive the leads, you must
1) be an active Coach with Emerald ranking or higher,
2) have engaged in “real time” WOWY® workouts at least eight times in the preceding 30 days,
3) be an active Club member , and
4 ) have posted a completed profile page with at least a “ before” photo and bio. Note :
Profile page updates must be approved before leads can be received. Approvals can take up to 48
hours (two business days ) . Upon approval , Coaches will begin receiving leads . Beachbody is committed
to ensuring that all of our customers receive quality coaching focused on getting them results. We believe that once our Coaches achieve Emerald rank and have participated in the most important activities that showcase real dedication to results, they are familiar enough with our programs and products to effectively coach a new customer.
This is also the perfect incentive for you to get started, and to get yourself and your downline Coaches to move up the ranks!
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