Ok, with summer just around the corner, we need to make sure we are preparing ourself for the shorts, swimsuits,... So in order to do that, we are going to turn the 100 point Challenge into a Get Fit For Summer Challenge. That means we are starting March 1 and are going to follow the rules noted below and we will go strong for 3 months so that come June 1 we are all ready for those shorts and tee's!
The 100 Point Challenge
I still have a good group doing the challenge on the message boards. I'm going to announce the February winner soon, so stay tuned. I have to say, the challenge is an eye opener for me. It immediately told me where my problems are. I know, I lost most of my points with bad eating on the weekends! Yikes, so now I know where I will focus my energy to help get the results I want.
Here are some of the changes I want to note for the March challenge. I want this to be about really being honest with yourself and letting everyone see it. No hiding behind a blanket statement, I ate clean. I'd rather have people post what they age (chicken and veggies), that would really keep you honest, but I will not do that to you!
- I will not give a break for cheat meals or snacks. I think the whole game is to be honest with yourself. So, you eat a cheat meal, snack its fine. But, you must count it as a minus one! This keeps it honest for everyone. I know some of my girls were upping it even more, meaning they did a minus point if they did not take their vitamins, or if they did not drink their water. This challenge is about getting the results YOU want. So, lets all go for it in March. Really bring it in the Kitchen and on the Mat!
- You must write your accountability like this so we know you are doing it all!
Starting points: 100
Workout: Done (good no points lost) or Missed (-1)- You are allowed 1 rest day a week with no - points for that day!
Breakfast, lunch, dinner: all clean and eaten (good no points lost), if missed (-1 for each meal missed) If cheats then (-1 for each cheat) So you could loose 3 points here. Meaning if you missed or cheated for each meal, its -1 each!
2 Snacks: all clean and eaten (good, no points lost.) If skipped or cheats (-1 for each) again, another 2 points could be lost here!
Daily check in: If checked in good (no points lost), if don't check in by midnight of the next day (-1).
Ending points: Take your starting total, subtract out all the points lost for the day!
Here are a reminder for the rules and how to play the game!
It is a mathematical fact: if you workout 6 times a week, eat clean 6 times a day (every 2-3 hours), and track your progress, ripped is a mathematical certainty. So that is the basis of this challenge, to track that mathematical certainty with a little math.
These are what I believe to be mathematically certain outcomes of doing these things with consistency and discipline:
# 1) You become happy, with a happiness and inner self-esteem that you alone control
# 2) Your whole life goes to a new level - everything following your fitness - your work, your relationships and friendships, your hobbies and interests, your success
# 3) You get ripped
The premise of this challenge is pretty simple: Each participant starts the month with 100 points. A point is deducted each time a workout is missed, a meal is missed, an unscheduled "cheat" meal or snack is consumed or a daily update to your official challenge post is missed. The goal, of course, is to finish the month with 100 points!
# 1) The challenge begins on March 1, 2009 and goes to the end of the month. It will re-start on the 1st of each month. The game is performed one month at a time. My plan is to do this Jan-June 2009, and then reassess.
# 2) It doesn't matter if you are aiming to lose weight, bulking up or maintaining. The common goal here is 100% consistency. It doesn't matter what program you are doing.
# 3) Each person participating in the challenge should start with a challenge post. This means you must post or email me that you are in the game! Your initial posts should have your initial measurements! (photos optional) Your progress must be updated each and every day. The updates won't take long (examples below). If you miss an update, you must deduct a point. For those that are regulars on the boards, you must post your update on either one of these 3 threads:
# 4) Miss a workout for the day for any reason, deduct a point. I strongly recommend you log into WOWY and play the Million Dollar Body game! I would love to see your WOWY calendar with a big X to show you are working out! For Jan., I will not require this, I just want you to workout everyday. But, I may give a bonus or something in Feb. to those who log into WOWY everyday! Again, to join WOWY is free! (WOWY= Workout with you, the online super gym!). I may use the person with the most logged in workouts as a tie breaker. So, it may be worth it to join us in WOWY. If you are a member of WOWY, include your screen name in your initial email and I will add you to my success buddy list. If I schedule workouts, I will request you to join me if you can!
# 5) Miss a meal for any reason, deduct a point. You must eat 3 meals, 2 snacks a day! This means 5 points per day allowed, each missed is - 1 point.
# 6) Eat an unscheduled "cheat" meal or snack, deduct a point. This is -1 for each cheat meal/snack of the day!
Feel free to post before/after pictures if you like (optional). But, you should take your stats every 30 days to track your progress.
Of course this challenge is based on the honor system. You can cheat, but that would be pointless.
You continue in this fashion until the last day of each mont, and then the monthly winner will be announced and on day 1 of the next month, the 100 Point Challenge starts again. I intend to do this from January through June. My goal is to keep all months above 90, and to get a 100 on at least one month.
The reason that everything is worth 1 point equally, ie the workouts, each meal, and tracking progress, is because they are all equally important. If all of these 3 things are done, the workouts, the nutrition and the tracked goals, ripped is a mathematical certainty.
I'm going to up the stakes and change the rules a little.
If you are one of my coachees, you qualify to play the game and win the prize. If you want to become one of my coachees, its free, just click here and fill out the short form. If you have any issues, then drop me an email at HeatherB@BeachbodyCoach.com and we can chat. If you are not one of my coachees, you can still play the game you just will not qualify for the prize. Once you sign up, you should email me and tell me you are in the game!
100 POINT CHALLENGE: Adapted from the 100 point challenge on John Stone Fitness Forums (thank you John Stone!)
It is a mathematical fact: if you workout 6 times a week, eat clean 6 times a day (every 2-3 hours), and track your progress, ripped is a mathematical certainty. So that is the basis of this challenge, to track that mathematical certainty with a little math.
These are what I believe to be mathematically certain outcomes of doing these things with consistency and discipline:
# 1) You become happy, with a happiness and inner self-esteem that you alone control
# 2) Your whole life goes to a new level - everything following your fitness - your work, your relationships and friendships, your hobbies and interests, your success
# 3) You get ripped
The premise of this challenge is pretty simple: Each participant starts the month with 100 points. A point is deducted each time a workout is missed, a meal is missed, an unscheduled "cheat" meal or snack is consumed or a daily update to your official challenge post is missed. The goal, of course, is to finish the month with 100 points!
# 1) The challenge begins on March 1, 2009 and goes to the end of the month. It will re-start on the 1st of each month. The game is performed one month at a time. My plan is to do this Jan-June 2009, and then reassess.
# 2) It doesn't matter if you are aiming to lose weight, bulking up or maintaining. The common goal here is 100% consistency. It doesn't matter what program you are doing.
# 3) Each person participating in the challenge should start with a challenge post. This means you must post or email me that you are in the game! Your initial posts should have your initial measurements! (photos optional) Your progress must be updated each and every day. The updates won't take long (examples below). If you miss an update, you must deduct a point. For those that are regulars on the boards, you must post your update on either one of these 3 threads:
I'm going to add this in, for those that are my customers and do not visit the boards, maybe now is the time to join. Click here to join the community message boards, then click the links above to find me. Again, its free. I know visiting everyday will keep you accountable. If you post on the boards everyday, and miss a day, its a deduct of 1 point. So, posting on the boards will keep you more accountable and not give you as much of a setback for missing a accountability post.
# 4) Miss a workout for the day for any reason, deduct a point. I strongly recommend you log into WOWY and play the Million Dollar Body game! I would love to see your WOWY calendar with a big X to show you are working out! For Jan., I will not require this, I just want you to workout everyday. But, I may give a bonus or something in Feb. to those who log into WOWY everyday! Again, to join WOWY is free! (WOWY= Workout with you, the online super gym!). I may use the person with the most logged in workouts as a tie breaker. So, it may be worth it to join us in WOWY. If you are a member of WOWY, include your screen name in your initial email and I will add you to my success buddy list. If I schedule workouts, I will request you to join me if you can!
# 5) Miss a meal for any reason, deduct a point. You must eat 3 meals, 2 snacks a day! This means 5 points per day allowed, each missed is - 1 point.
# 6) Eat an unscheduled "cheat" meal or snack, deduct a point. This is -1 for each cheat meal/snack of the day!
Feel free to post before/after pictures if you like (optional). But, you should take your stats every 30 days to track your progress.
Of course this challenge is based on the honor system. You can cheat, but that would be pointless.
Starting points: 100
Workout: Done (good no points lost) or Missed (-1)- You are allowed 1 rest day a week with no - points for that day!
Breakfast, lunch, dinner: all clean and eaten (good no points lost), if missed (-1 for each meal missed) If cheats then (-1 for each cheat) So you could loose 3 points here. Meaning if you missed or cheated for each meal, its -1 each!
2 Snacks: all clean and eaten (good, no points lost.) If skipped or cheats (-1 for each) again, another 2 points could be lost here!
Daily check in: If checked in good (no points lost), if don't check in by midnight of the next day (-1).
Ending points: Take your starting total, subtract out all the points lost for the day!
The reason that everything is worth 1 point equally, ie the workouts, each meal, and tracking progress, is because they are all equally important. If all of these 3 things are done, the workouts, the nutrition and the tracked goals, ripped is a mathematical certainty.
Now the prize offered only to my coachees! I will send the winner at the end of the each month a copy of one of the Tony Horton's, One on One Workout videos! The winner is the person with the highest point value at the last day of the month. Your final results for the month, must be sent to me or posted no later then the first of the next month. So, I need your final point count for March by midnight April 1! I would like you to include your month's end result measurements (photo optional) posted in the final check in. I'm not going to use this for any reason, just to help keep you on track. I will have to come up with a tie breaker if we have a tie. I'm thinking, it maybe to see the person who logged into WOWY the most to track their workouts as the tie breaker. If that still results in a tie, then I will see how many people are in the running! I
Now, let's get ready and really bring it! Let's get the body you always wanted! And, why not go for it, you can get a new workout at the end of the month!
Here is a video of Tony's One on One videos!
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