About Me

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A little about me. In my normal life, I am a civil engineer who sits behind a desk everyday. I got married to my wonderful husband in 2006. Since meeting him and our many days of eating out and less working out, my weight started to creep up. In August 2007 my girlfriend wanted to get back in shape after her pregnancy. She talked me into running weekly with her. I agreed, and this began my plan to get my body back in shape. I wanted to add some additional workouts to my run, so I pulled out my old Slim in 6 videos. At the same time, I re-found the online message boards at Beachbody where I meet a lot of great people who kept me committed to my fitness goals. I also found a great coach who was there everyday to help me stay on track! Today, I'm still working to sculpt my body and get it into the best shape ever. As I have progressed through my body's transition, I decided to become an Independent Beachbody Coach to help others reach their fitness goals! I realized it was easier then I thought, and I really believe others can change their lives too!

Me and Michael

Changing Day by Day!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Debbie's Top 10 tips for getting the most out of Slim in 6

The following is Debbie's tips for getting the most out of Slim in 6.  This is taken from the Trainers and Experts Corner of the Million Dollar Body Club!  You too can get the latest tips, secrets, move modifications, and even live chats with the trainers by joining the club.  For only $2.99 a week, the membership will give you custom meal plans (along with the shopping lists) to help you meet your goals!  So, why wait, sign up today!   Click here to sign up!

Don't forget, to stop  by the message boards and join us to help you stay motivated.  Tip no. 2.   Just stop by and say hello.  No need to start at page 1, we believe their is strength in numbers.  So, join us to help meet your goals!  WhyWait's to join the Message Thread for daily support and accountability!

Debbie's Top 10 Tips to Get the Most out of Slim in 6™

1.Train smart!
2.Sign on to the Team Beachbody Message Boards and WOWY™.
3.Fast for two days.
4.Start slow.
5.Ease up when sore; push when healthy.
6.Supplement your diet.
7.Work out on an empty stomach.
8.Eat a post-exercise snack.
9.Add more weight resistance as you get stronger.
10.Do Slim & Limber daily.

1. Train smart!

Read all of the literature. When it comes to fitness, knowledge
reigns supreme. The more you know, the better chance you
have of succeeding. By reading the Slim in 6 Simple Steps to
Success! guidebook, the Step-by-Step Nutrition Guide, and
old Team Beachbodynewsletters when you have time, you
will amass a mental arsenal that will help you out every
single day. 

2. Sign on to the Team Beachbody Message Boards 
and WOWY™.

Join the Slim in 6 Newbie group. You won't believe how
motivating the boards can be. You'll be instantly hooked
up with thousands of virtual training partners, along with
a wealth of fitness and diet advice. 

3. Fast for two days.

There is no reason to put off changing your life and,
unless you're eating right now, you've already started.
All you have to do is not eat. Fasting cleanses your
body of built-up toxins, gets your body used to utilizing
stored fat as energy, and shrinks your stomach. If you
didn't purchase Team Beachbody's 2-Day Fast Formula
shake, make yourself a veggie juice and/or herb tea
fast. Any weight you lose is really just a bonus. The main
benefits of the fast will come later when you crave less
junk food. Plus, you now have two days to get ahead on
your reading. 

4. Start slow.

Don't launch into day 1 after watching G.I. Jane. Take
it easy, even if you feel like you can do more. You
want to gradually increase the intensity each day and
let your body adapt. If you start too hard, you'll end up
very sore by injuring your “emergency muscle fibers”
and it can take up to two weeks to heal. During the first
few workouts, you should feel as though you could have
gone a little harder. You'll still be sore, but it will be a
good and manageable soreness. Day 2 should be harder
than day 1, day 3 harder than day 2, and so on. 

5. Ease up when sore; push when healthy.

Once you adapt to the program, you'll want to go as
hard as you can each workout, well, usually. Occasionally
you will overdo it, under eat, or under sleep, and your
body will break down to the point where it's lethargic.
This state is called being overtrained. By looking for its
onset, you can often counteract it before it gets you down.
If you find that you are having a difficult time in workouts
that were easy days before, back off a bit. Maybe take a
day or two and do Start It Up! in place of Ramp It Up!, or
Ramp It Up! in place of Burn It Up! Don't feel like you're
going backwards; you're not. These easier days will allow
your muscles to heal up and you should be rarin' to go
again in no time. 

6. Supplement your diet.

Given today's fast and processed food environment, it's
nearly impossible to get all the nutrients you need while
staying within your proper caloric zone, especially if you're
tying to lose weight! Proper supplementation will ensure
that you have all the nutrients your body needs to rebuild
itself after intense exercise. At the very minimum, take a
good multi-vitamin. 

7. Work out on an empty stomach.

This doesn't mean that you have to work out first thing
in the morning (though it is a good idea). It just means
that your stomach should be empty when you begin your
work out. Give yourself three hours after eating to exercise.
If you can't do this, eat a small snack instead of a meal.
This will mean that there is no excess food digesting in
your stomach, but you have proper stored glycogen to
get you through your workout without bonking. 

8. Eat a post-exercise snack.

Ideally, you should have used most of your stored glycogen
to finish your workout. You now have a window between 15
minutes and one hour after exercise when your body is at
its peak to absorb nutrients (up to four times better than at
any other time). You want to eat a small snack during this
period that is four parts carbohydrates to one part protein.
The high carb content is because your body wants to replenish
its glycogen stores as quickly as possible. This will speed up
your recovery and make you less sore. A little protein kick
starts muscle resynthesis as well. Keep this meal very light,
under 300 calories, and it should allow you to recover and
keep you from getting hungry until you eat a proper meal,
two to three hours later. 

9. Add more weight resistance as you get stronger.

Just because Slim in 6 is a slimming program, don't be
afraid to lift as much weight as possible. You should
increase weight resistance throughout the program as
your fitness increases. Skip the rationalization of "I must
lift light weights if I want to get thin." Don't worry, the
volume and intensity of the program will keep you
slimming down. You still want to lift as much weight as
you can. 

10. Do Slim & Limber daily.

While you can stretch too much, it's awfully hard to do,
and nearly impossible when engaged in a program like
Slim in 6. A daily dose of Slim & Limber may be just
what the doctor ordered to help you recover to your
body's potential. But don't feel like you always have
to get in front of your TV. Once you've memorized the
routine, you can do these stretches almost anywhere. An
abbreviated session whenever you get the chance will
help too. Get in the habit of stretching whenever you get
a sec: in front of the TV, waiting in line, when you first
wake up, and before you go to bed. A few minutes in the
morning and at night can give you a whole new lease on
life, especially life during Slim in 6. 

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