About Me

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A little about me. In my normal life, I am a civil engineer who sits behind a desk everyday. I got married to my wonderful husband in 2006. Since meeting him and our many days of eating out and less working out, my weight started to creep up. In August 2007 my girlfriend wanted to get back in shape after her pregnancy. She talked me into running weekly with her. I agreed, and this began my plan to get my body back in shape. I wanted to add some additional workouts to my run, so I pulled out my old Slim in 6 videos. At the same time, I re-found the online message boards at Beachbody where I meet a lot of great people who kept me committed to my fitness goals. I also found a great coach who was there everyday to help me stay on track! Today, I'm still working to sculpt my body and get it into the best shape ever. As I have progressed through my body's transition, I decided to become an Independent Beachbody Coach to help others reach their fitness goals! I realized it was easier then I thought, and I really believe others can change their lives too!

Me and Michael

Changing Day by Day!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Join the Fit Revolution!

Oh my god, you people are going to think I am so crazy!  I am on such a high and so excited to from the Beachbody Event this past week.  I started to tell you some of the news that Carl was talking about, but now I want to tell you something!  Yes, I am crazy, but I have to shout this out now!

If you are into fitness, now is the time to join Team Beachbody!  Here is a little known secret!

In December, Beachbody is releasing a new informercial.  This one will be to promote becoming a Beachbody Coach!  It will be there to show you the business side of this organization.  Let me tell you, I saw a sneak peak of this commercial yesterday and its good!  It shows how much some of these coaches are making.  Did you know, there are many existing coaches making over $100,000 doing this!  You will be amazed when you see this commercial and the potential there is in this business.

Here is some things to think about:
1.   The top 2 selling informercials on TV right now are both business related.  The first is about auctions, I think how to do e-bay auction sales.  The other is regarding how to take advantage of the real estate market and the home foreclosures.  Beachbody's Coaching Business will fit right into the home business market and it will hit a lot more people!  This is something you can do, from your home, with stuff you are already doing- working out and eating right!

2.  Beachbody's goal is to get 1 million coaches next year with the help of this infomercial.  Currently, they have less then 18,000!  So, signing up now will literally get you in on top of this business!

3.  Beachbody will randomly assign all coaches that sign up through the commercial to any existing coach that qualifies.  The requirement to get these coaches to sign up under you automatically is you must be a diamond level coach.  Currently Beachbody has about 100 diamond level coaches!  What does this mean?  It means each of those diamond coaches is expected to get 5 new coaches a week!  This is where your business will absolutely take off!  And, not a diamond coach yet, don't worry as soon as you get to Emerald and you downline grows from the help of your upline, you will also benefit.  (This is a lot to get into here, but I will personally discuss this more with you if you have questions.  Please email me and we can go from there.)

Now I ask- What are you waiting for?
1.  If you are already using the Beachbody products, you know they work!  Beachbody refuses to sell their products on the shelf in stores.  Why, because Beachbody is about the "package".  They don't want you to buy another workout video, use it once, then put it on the shelf and never use it again.  They want you to get the Free Coach, who will be there pushing and motivating you to stay on track throughout your journey.  They want you to join the Free Message Boards for even more group support!  They want you to join WOWY for a chance to meet others to stay on track.  They want you to join the club to get even more details of diet and exercise tips to help you achieve the success you want.  They don't throw a video on the shelf of Wal-Mart hoping you buy it, do it once and then forget about it.  They really want you to succeed!  Most of the tools they have available are free and are there to HELP YOU SUCCEED and MEET YOUR GOALS!

2.  I already talked about some of the bonuses of being a coach, including as a coach you get 25% off all products and you get the chance to pre-order their programs before its released to the public!

3.  As a coach you can buy the showcase package.  This is over $450 of products and 6 of the best selling workouts for only $200!  Keep them or sell them, its an awesome deal!

4.  As a coach, you now own your own business!  Things like buy sneakers, weights, workout cloths can now be a tax write-off!    Hey you need to stay fit to keep your business in shape!

5.  You get paid to help others meet their fitness goals.  Its also a very rewarding opportunity!  We all need to have a place to find a balance in our life where we give back to others.  This is a great way to help others!  

6.  As the economy seems to have issues lately, it is a little known fact that the health and fitness market tend to hold its own even in poor economies.  Meaning, people still do their running, workouts, diets,... and find ways to keep it in their budgets.   But, as people need to make choices, I bet one place that will start being cut out is the cost of the gym.  There are currently about 23 million people with gym memberships.  If we use national averages, there is a start-up fee of $15o to join  a gym, there is a monthly fee of $55 to stay a member (and currently you must sign up for a year), that is about $800 a year to go to a gym.  Now, if you only go 2 times a week, maybe 4, is it worth the $800!  Do you keep going?  Here are the next questions about the gym, a lot of people may go, but then wonder around with now real support.  So, they get no real results.  If you don't know what you are doing, are you doing your best?  If you get a personal trainer, then the costs go up even more!  

Beachbody programs average $100 or less.  They are done at home, on your own schedule, and show you how to get results with both a workout and through a clean diet!  Beachbody gets results, they offer support, and they throw out prizes (WOWY, the Million Dollar Body Transformation Contest!)  When was the last time your gym paid you anything, or even a chance to win something just for showing up!

7.  Beachbody spends $85 million on advertising so you as a coach do not need to!  They get 1-2 million new customers a year!  So, why are you not taking advantage of these new customers and getting paid to recommend them to the products they are already buying!

8.  Beachbody has a program for everyone!  From 10 minutes to a full blown boot camp!

9.  You never hold any inventory when you sign up to be a coach!  You get your own website where you can send customers to to order!  No transaction of money required from your end!  How easy is that!

10.  All it takes is a one time fee of $40 and a $15 a month business fee!  There are a few other requirements, but they become easy to meet once you get your customer base.  And, there is another Lead Program as an Emerald Level coach where you can get customers who buy from the informercials!  So, customers can be given to you with no work!

11.  You sign up and decide this is not for you, just CANCEL anytime, no questions asked!

12.  There products are top of the line! Did you know that the new Kathy Smith's Project You Type 2 was ready 3 years ago to be released.  Beachbody was committed to get the approval of the American Diabetes Association prior to release of the video.  This is the first, at home workout program that ADA has partnered with!  Beachbody worked with them for the past 3 years to get their program right before they released it!  Now, that is commitment- I only wish Bill Gates would do that with Windows before it was released.  Get it right first!

All I know, is why are you waiting?  Now is literally the time to join the Fit Revolution!  Become a coach and catch the wave.  Because, I believe when this wave hits, it will be a blast!  December is just around the corner, then things will take off!

I highly recommend, if you are a Beachbody customer, you take advantage of this now!  Why let someone who never used the products get a chance to join the organization profit from this before you just because they heard about the opportunity on TV!  If you are into health and fitness, this is a great way to pick up your program and turn it into a way to supplement your income, or like others I know- make this your sole income!  Dream big because it will happen!  Will it happen to you!

I will personally find time to talk to you if you are interested in becoming a coach!  All you need to do is drop me an email at HeatherB@BeachbodyCoach.com.

If you are excited as I am and want to learn more or to sign up, just click here.

I will keep shouting out how excited I am!  I will be here to help grow my team!  Will you be a part of it, I sure hope so!  Ok, I said I was crazy, but can you see why I am so excited!

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