From the start, Neiman says, Beachbody Chairman and CEO Carl Daikeler knew that some customers bought video programs, but never took them out of the package. “They had a desire to make a change in their lives and took one step, but never took the rest of the steps to actually achieve those results,” he says. “So over the years, Beachbody started to introduce other products and services to try to get more people engaged in incorporating some regular type of fitness program into their lives—products focused on working with our programs and giving people the desired results they are after.”
In 2006, the company launched TeamBeachbody.com, a Web site where subscribers can access fitness advice, tools to monitor their progress and, of course, purchase products. It was one of those products that helped lead to the launch of Beachbody’s network marketing division. “The WOWY Super Gym [WOWY stands for “Work Out With You”] is a virtual gym,” Neimand says. “Our customers create screen names and they track, log and plan their workouts. When they enter a workout they can see who else is working out on our online community and many of them develop friends and support structures within that community to help keep them accountable to their programs.”
This online community included an active message board. Beachbody found that some users were offering advice, making product recommendation and motivating others. We started to discover that there were a lot of product evangelists on the message boards and they were coaching other people on how to get the same great results that they had received with our products,” Neimand says. “In essence, they were coaching people to success just because they were so excited about the products and the company.”
Daikeler believed that if people were marketing Beachbody products without any incentive, there was the potential for a very exciting secondary distribution channel—that’s when Beachbody Coach Network was born. “We put together an exciting compensation plan that would allow people to earn a very nice commission,” says Neimand. “We found that when people used the products and got results, people around them would ask what they were doing. And now they could refer them to their own store and make a very nice retail commission.”
Beachbody Coaches also earn bonuses by introducing the business opportunity to others. “We offer people the chance to get fit, both physically and financially,” Neimand says.
Total Fitness Solution
Beachbody’s video fitness programs offer something for everyone—incorporating everything from hip hop moves to kickboxing to circuit training into its workouts. “We have different trainers that have different personalities and different approaches,” says Neimand. “For example, Chalene Johnson does sort of a combination of kickboxing and aerobics and recently has introduced a new weight program where she is getting people lean through building muscle.”
To complement its video fitness programs and online tools, Beachbody offers a full line of nutritional supplements. Neimand says this three-pronged approach is called “Play, Shake and Share.” “We offer a total solution to health and fitness,” he says. “‘Play’ means that people have to be active and we have a full line of effective and fun and compelling video fitness programs. The ‘Shake’ part is about making sure that you are managing your diet and sensible supplementation. We have online tools around meal planning as well as supplements. Lastly, the ‘Share’ part is about supporting people and passing on the opportunity.”
At its March Summit—a Beachbody Coach event—the company will launch its newest product, Shakeology. “We have done a tremendous amount of research on this product. We sourced ingredients from all around the world and built them into a very unique, high-quality protein shake,” says Neimand. “It gives you all of the phytonutrients, antioxidants, proteins, amino acids—everything you really need all in one shake. And we think that is really going to be powerful.”
Also at the Summit, this year held at Universal City in Hollywood, Calif., Beachbody will announce the winners of its Million Dollar Body Game®. To enter, individuals submit photos and a short essay about their fitness achievements and eight winners are selected per month. The 96 monthly winners compete against each other at the end of the year. “At the Summit the top male and top female of the year will each win $250,000—the other six will win $50,000,” Neimand says. “We like to say that there are 250,000 reasons to get your health back on track.”
Connecting People to Products
Beachbody is a “products first” company, says Neimand, and its most successful Coaches are passionate about those products because of their own experiences using them. “Before they ever knew about the business opportunity, they had personal results with our products, which gives them great passion when they go out and market them,” Neimand says. “We believe that connecting people to products creates the business opportunity.”
To make it easy for people to participate in that business opportunity, Beachbody offers a start-up kit for as little as $39.95. New Coaches receive training and marketing materials and a customized Web site that allows them to sell products and start earning commissions in their first week. “We’ve created an opportunity that is totally accessible for everyone and is still large enough for those people who want to really have a lifestyle change and earn a significant income.”
Neimand says the most rewarding part of watching the Beachbody Coach Network grow is seeing firsthand how embracing a healthier lifestyle can transform lives. “The stories are incredibly inspirational,” he says. “It’s not just the people who have lost 100 pounds. Some people may have lost just 10 pounds, but that’s what gave them the confidence to change their whole lives around. Being able to come to work every day and see these success stories is really uplifting and just reiterates every day why we are doing this—it’s a really exciting part of our business.” DSN
If you are interested in joining Beachbody Team, I'd love to talk to you about it. Feel free to drop me an email anytime and we can set up a time to talk. If you want to learn more, go to my website- www.TheFitnessSpot.net, click on the Become a Coach Tab!
Email: HeatherB@BeachbodyCoach.com
Article posted at DirectSellingNews.com
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