Wow, it's not only a new year, it's a new decade! I'm sitting here looking back on my last 10+ years since I have moved to Maryland out of school.
I went from being fit and athletic. Being up and out the door so early to have fun, maybe rollerblade a few miles! I remember my diet was definitely not the greatest, but living single I ate what I wanted. It was mainly vegetarian, I had a lot of salads, yogurt and yes pasta as staple foods.
As time went on, I became a little less active. Seems like that life called work starts to suck you in and gets you into a routine. Plus, then I started dating more, and that meant more dinners out and about. It meant those times I did go to the gym, I tended to skip a little more to go out with my friends. I remember hanging out at the bars for many happy hours which lead to a few too many beers in my life.
It's amazing over time the 10 years I've been out of school, I just would add a little more weight on each year. I went from a size 8 in collage to basically a 14 in 2007. Each time I ha to shop for a bigger size, I was more and more depressed about me. I know I tried many things to get the old me back, but nothing ever seemed to work or stick.
Then in 2007, I finally did it. Because of a girlfriend I started running once a week. I added in my old Slim in 6 video to really make a change! This time, I found a coach from Beachbody, I got on the message boards. I was committed to change. I turned around my diet, even fought through dinners with my husband who did not necessarily like the changes. But, I took each day as a new step. I planned out my lunches/snacks and packed them for lunch. I posted my calendar on the wall and crossed off each and every day. It was all the little things that helped me lose my first pants size!
Between September and Christmas of that year (the hardest time to lose weight), I was dropping pants sizes each month. By Christmas I was wearing a size 6 and asking my family for new cloths since mine were way to big! It was incredible! I was now smaller then when I was in college! I was on my way.
Today, is 2010. That journey I started in Sept. of 2007 I am still on. I'm still achieving new goals, I'm still pushing myself more and more. I'm 1 week away from running my first marathon! Can you believe that? I never would have guessed that I would be running 26.2 miles just because!
I know I did all the hard work these past few years. But, I owe it all to Beachbody! I have to say, joining the community really changed my life. Finding a coach who helped me along the way, encouraged me to eat right and push play even when I did not want to. Reading what others were doing, having friends in the community who were there doing what I was doing and feeling the pains I was, kept me going. I was getting results!
I decide to turn what I learned to help others. I became a coach! Since I started coaching, I have meet some amazing people and seen some incredible successes. I have personally met some of the Beachbody trainers and taken their classes. I have been to all expense paid trip to California for some top coach training.
Plus, as I keep telling people because of the Coaching Karma I am pushing myself more and more each day to reach bigger and better goals! I know that 2010 will be the best year ever. I can't wait to see what I can do with my body, my fitness, my business! I have so big goals I set for myself. I'm willing to help and bring anyone that is willing to go for a ride along!
So, here is to a very healthy and happy new year to everyone that is reading this! If you have been struggling for sometime to get to where you want, I know I can help you! Just drop me an email at Today is a new day, a new decade, so decide to start it off right!
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