This was posted by Beachbody. So, if you are ordering something for international shipments, please read below!
Though our Canadian neighbors love our products, their Customs agents don't allow products to enter their country if the packaging slip does not show the value of the shipment. In fact, they dislike them so much that they will return the product to our warehouse without notifying you. Gads! Unless you diligently follow up, you may never know if your customer received the goods you sent.
But there's good news! You can avoid any unnecessary returns with one teensy, weensy step.
If you are sending product anywhere beyond the Continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii, please do not check the "Check to hide price on receipt" button (located in the top box of Your Shopping Cart).
Checking this box suppresses the value on the packaging slip and your poor package will make a fast round-trip back to the warehouse.
So simple it's hardly even worth numbering, eh?
Wait, there's more. This applies to ALL INTERNATIONAL shipments, including Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, Guam, North Pole, Siberia (also the metaphorical Siberia), and, well, you get the picture. So remember: do not check that little box if you want your shipment to reach beyond our borders.
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