About Me

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A little about me. In my normal life, I am a civil engineer who sits behind a desk everyday. I got married to my wonderful husband in 2006. Since meeting him and our many days of eating out and less working out, my weight started to creep up. In August 2007 my girlfriend wanted to get back in shape after her pregnancy. She talked me into running weekly with her. I agreed, and this began my plan to get my body back in shape. I wanted to add some additional workouts to my run, so I pulled out my old Slim in 6 videos. At the same time, I re-found the online message boards at Beachbody where I meet a lot of great people who kept me committed to my fitness goals. I also found a great coach who was there everyday to help me stay on track! Today, I'm still working to sculpt my body and get it into the best shape ever. As I have progressed through my body's transition, I decided to become an Independent Beachbody Coach to help others reach their fitness goals! I realized it was easier then I thought, and I really believe others can change their lives too!

Me and Michael

Changing Day by Day!

Monday, October 12, 2009

My First 1/2 Marathon

OMG, it's officially in the books! About 7 weeks ago, I decided out of the blue to sign up for Baltimore 1/2 Marathon. I knew that with my first run of about 6 miles on a whim, that I could eventually get to the 13.1 miles needed for the marathon in 7 weeks. I knew anything was possible in 7 weeks. What I did not account for was the fact that I would be sick for an entire month, at least 4 weeks of my 7 weeks of training! That was pretty awful to deal with. My mind wants to gooo and excel. My body, just wanted to sleep. If you read my blog, you know my ups and downs and my struggles. My weekly runs cut back, but I always did my long runs on the weekend.

Well, this weekend was the big day. All week I had this nervous excitement. I was totally ready for the 1/2 marathon. I wanted to run! But, I was totally scared that my being sick and really cutting back on my training would be a total disaster for my run. Of course, then I also added in the hills. Baltimore 1/2 is mostly uphill! Yikes, I was worried. Oh yeah, to make matters worse, the Monday before my marathon I had this bright idea to do Start it Up from Slim in 6. I thought for sure the squats with Debbie would warm me up for the run! What I learned was that I would be regretting that workout. I was soooorrreee all week. My butt, my legs just were sore! I couldn't believe in my recovery week of training, I did that to myself. I pushed myself to get back into my routine. It's amazing how when your healthy you want to get right back into life! Well, after skipping umm, a lot of workouts, and jumping into Debbie before my run I thought for sure would not be a good thing. I mean, come Thursday night, my legs were still aching from the Monday workout! That, only added to my nerves!

Then Friday night came. My parents came to town. That made my day and started to ease my mind. My parents know that when I put my mind to something, I will do it! And, if that meant I had to walk here or there, so be it. I was not racing to win, but doing it to finish! I love my parents and love their constant support and reminders. It calmed my night.

So, a nice carbo loaded dinner with the family. Then home to get everything ready. All my cloths laid out, then the oh what am I going to wear if it rains. Weather channel on, then off. Back to checking my bag again. Sent my hubby to the store to stock up on acceptable foods to eat before the run. Yup, he was kind enough to get to the store minutes before they closed to pick up whole wheat waffles. Ok, my pacing around the house, reading the race package over and over wasn't going to get me anywhere. So, I just decided to turn in a little early. I figured, the night wouldn't hold much sleep anyway.

I was right, up bright an early! My race was to begin at 9:45. The City recommended getting there at 8 am to get parking. So, up early, packed, ate my waffles with peanut butter and a glass of Shakeology.

We were their early and walked around the Celebration Village before the race. Checking out the vendors and getting ready for the day. We stopped to watch the 5k race as I walked to the starting line of the half. The Baltimore Full marathon started at 8 am. The plan was that the half would start at 9:45, we ran 3 miles of a separate course, then connected to the marathon runners at their mile 16.

The half started in waves. Since I never ran before, when I registered I never put in a race pace. That meant I was assigned a number in the last wave to start. My race number was 50045. I was in with the walkers. I was not happy with where I had to start as I knew now my pace would be about 12 min. mile, and I thought I should be up a little bit more. But, as I hung with my TNT friends at the starting line, I watched thousands of runners start! It was amazing. the excitement was building. The day was getting started! I was about to set off on a run longer then I ever thought possible. Was I nervous, just a bit.

So, the gun went off. The confetti filled the streets, we were going. We were off! After I finally crossed the finish line, I began to run. So slow at first. Weaving in and out of all those peoples. Wondering around the walkers, the people just getting going. It was body after body, and I just wanted out. Finally I found an open spot and just set my pace and ran.

I had a blast! All the people running. Thousands of people running! Most with the goal of just finishing, not even to win! All the people who lined the streets. Everyone cheering and clapping, shouting words of encouragement. It's amazing to hear the kind words of others as the encourage you to just keep going, to push a little harder, to go a little further. The people who blasted the music or those who handed out the gummi bears. There were just so many wonderful people along the route, it made every mile fly by.

The City had a band playing at mile 3 where we entered the race with the marathoners. What even more excitement. These folks were at mile 16. Tired, yet pushing. We could get the power of their energy to keep going, and they could get the freshness from us to help push them.

All my fears of the hills seemed to just go away. They were not as bad as I thought. I just kept my pace and kept at it. One step at a time, one hill, one turn in the road, one mile! I had to just keep my pace and run!

I only walked through the water stops, then off again I went. I remember hitting the lake and was told that this was the last of the hills. I thought for sure, that was a lie. Of course, I was right. The worst hill was yet to come! I also found a race pace group that I joined for a little while. I managed to hang with them for about a mile and a half before I determined their pace was just a little to fast, so dropped back to my speed and kept going.

Wow, mile 10 came around. Only 3 more to go. I was filled with energy and just wanted to go! It's funny how things change in an instant. Mile 11 I just wanted to slow down, but stayed the course. I now had a goal to watch for Michael and my parents. They were supposed to be around mile 12 waiting for me. I told them if they wanted to be somewhere, be close to the end. Give me the push for the final mile!

That was the best, mile 12. First I saw my husband standing, then my dad. Both wishing me the best! Then my mom, who cheered and hollered as she ran up the side of the road telling me to keep going, I was almost at the end.

That last mile was tough. My knee was starting to really hurt. It was the first time, I was really ready to be done. But, just then, views of the city came into site. I knew I was almost done. It's funny how the pace gets quicker whenever the end is near. I was going home. I was almost to the end. I was ready to say I finished my 1/2 marathon.

I ran through Camden Yards. I picked up and just ran to the finish! I saw the clock 2 hours and 40 minutes. But I set my watch to run as a stop watch. That said 2 hours 22 minutes. I was happy.

My official race results: 2 hours 21 minutes and 57 seconds. I came in just over the average for the 1/2 which was 2 hours 17 minutes. I came in right around 50% for all the women and the women in my age group. I could be happier with my results! I finished! Would I do it again, HECK YEAH! I had a blast.

Am I ready for Disney, no. But, will I be- YES! I'm determined to finish this dream of mine and cross the finish line for my first whole marathon of 26.2 miles!

Sorry for those that read this whole long blog post. But, I wanted to share my story while it's all fresh. If you want to do, I say go for it. If you never ran before, with proper training, you to can walk, walk/run, or run across a finish line of a race near you. Maybe start small with a 5 k, but always go for your dream!

And finally, don't forget to help support me as I train for my marathon and to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Remember, every little dollar counts, so please help me today. Donate today!

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