About Me

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A little about me. In my normal life, I am a civil engineer who sits behind a desk everyday. I got married to my wonderful husband in 2006. Since meeting him and our many days of eating out and less working out, my weight started to creep up. In August 2007 my girlfriend wanted to get back in shape after her pregnancy. She talked me into running weekly with her. I agreed, and this began my plan to get my body back in shape. I wanted to add some additional workouts to my run, so I pulled out my old Slim in 6 videos. At the same time, I re-found the online message boards at Beachbody where I meet a lot of great people who kept me committed to my fitness goals. I also found a great coach who was there everyday to help me stay on track! Today, I'm still working to sculpt my body and get it into the best shape ever. As I have progressed through my body's transition, I decided to become an Independent Beachbody Coach to help others reach their fitness goals! I realized it was easier then I thought, and I really believe others can change their lives too!

Me and Michael

Changing Day by Day!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finding a Cure!

This past weekend, I went to a Team in Training Event here in Baltimore. Team in Training is a group that will help you run, run/walk, or walk a marathon (or half marathon). They will support you from the very beginning (I never ran before) all the way through the finish line.

In support of them helping to train you, you commit to helping raise money for their Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). This group is raising money to find a cure for blood cancer research.

I feel in love with all the people I met at this group. I love the idea of having a "coach" who will help teach me what I need to eat, train and overall do to reach my goal of running a marathon. I love the community support and mentors they have that will be here for me every step of the way.

At this even, I met Cody Dixon. A young boy who has been dealing AML Leukemia since March 2006. His mom stood up their in tears telling his story. But, now he is now 7 and is a happy kid! Today Cody likes to play outdoors, enjoys swimming and playing is Wii. He even has a younger sister, who I'm sure he loves to pick on! Cody is a survivor who has personally seen the benefits of people like you and me who make donations to help support cancer research! It's this research that is helping to find a cure!

Most of you who read my blog or who know me, know that I am a coach for Beachbody. You know I love helping others everyday to reach their fitness goals. You also know that I love to challenge myself. I have recently committed to running the Baltimore 1/2 marathon in October. Well, I have now also joined Team in Training and will be running my first full marathon on January 10, 2010 in Walt Disney World. Yes, even I need a coach who will help push me and train me to reach my goals. I'm looking forward to working out with my team every Saturday morning for the next 5 months to reaching my goal. I'm also even more excited to know that I'm not only doing this to reach my goal, I'm doing this to help all those who suffer from some form of cancer by helping to find a cure! I'm running for those who currently can't, but one day with our help will be able too!

I'm not the kind of person who likes to ask for money from people. I'm usually the one who throws money in the bucket to help a cause. This time, I am taking it the extra mile. Make that 300 miles! My training over the next 5 months will include about 300+ miles of running! I'm going to ask all my friends and supporters to please consider helping me reach my goal to raise money for LLS and make a small donation to LLS to show your support!

I've posted more information about my cause on my website. You can also learn about another young boy I am running for, Michael Coburn.

Donations are not expected, but are greatly appreciated. If everyone reading this can make a small donation of $10-$20 (more is always greatly appreciated), my goal will be met or bet yet succeeded! Remember, all donations are 100% tax deductible!

Please visit my website to learn more about LLS and my cause and to make a donation at


or you can go directly to my Team in Training (TNT) Website to make a donation and to learn more about TNT!


Together, we can make a difference!

Please keep visiting my blog to stay on track of my training and also to learn more about Leukemia and Lymphoma and blood cancers!

Thank you in advance for your support!

Together we are changing lives one day (one mile) at a time!


Email me with questions at HeatherB@BeachbodyCoach.com

Visit my website at http://www.TheFitnessSpot.net

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