About Me

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A little about me. In my normal life, I am a civil engineer who sits behind a desk everyday. I got married to my wonderful husband in 2006. Since meeting him and our many days of eating out and less working out, my weight started to creep up. In August 2007 my girlfriend wanted to get back in shape after her pregnancy. She talked me into running weekly with her. I agreed, and this began my plan to get my body back in shape. I wanted to add some additional workouts to my run, so I pulled out my old Slim in 6 videos. At the same time, I re-found the online message boards at Beachbody where I meet a lot of great people who kept me committed to my fitness goals. I also found a great coach who was there everyday to help me stay on track! Today, I'm still working to sculpt my body and get it into the best shape ever. As I have progressed through my body's transition, I decided to become an Independent Beachbody Coach to help others reach their fitness goals! I realized it was easier then I thought, and I really believe others can change their lives too!

Me and Michael

Changing Day by Day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Slim in 6, Rapid Results program

Wow, I have heard a lot of talk lately on Slim in 6. Boy, I remember that program. Debbie maybe the squat nazi, but she really hits those problem areas (butt, thighs).

I have been sick for 4 weeks and counting. My doc officially prescribed the drugs that should get me back on track (or keep my fingers crossed). Being sick for so long has meant I really cut my workout program back. I have been running my long run on the weekends, and a few short runs during the week to keep getting ready for my 1/2 marathon on Oct. 10. Other than that, I am really really trying to let my body recover.

Next week I have to fly to GA for work. I think I will keep the same workout schedule as I have. Light runs on the weekdays and my long runs on the weekend. But starting Monday Oct. 5, I think I will commit myself to doing 6 weeks with Debbie and Slim in 6. I love how she works the butt, and I think that is the area I want to focus on. Plus, Slim in 6 starts off slow and builds up. That will be perfect considering I can't breathe and have been cutting back on my fitness program.

I'd love to have all my friends join me in a little 6 week slimming challenge. Let's Do Slim in 6, eat right and get results. The 6 weeks will be done and over with before Thanksgiving, so we can all go visit our families with the new slimmer bodies we want!

What do you need to get started. It's simple.
1. Fill in this form to get on my list! This will let me know your in the challenge and it will let me send my check-in emails to you!

2. Go to my website and order your copy of Slim in 6 today so you will have it by Oct. 5.

3. Get ready to clean out your kitchen and clean up your diet to maximize your results.

4. Just show up and push play for 6 weeks! Check in with me to stay accountable!

Your Coach
Dedicated to your success!

Email: HeatherB@BeachbodyCoach.com

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