About Me

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A little about me. In my normal life, I am a civil engineer who sits behind a desk everyday. I got married to my wonderful husband in 2006. Since meeting him and our many days of eating out and less working out, my weight started to creep up. In August 2007 my girlfriend wanted to get back in shape after her pregnancy. She talked me into running weekly with her. I agreed, and this began my plan to get my body back in shape. I wanted to add some additional workouts to my run, so I pulled out my old Slim in 6 videos. At the same time, I re-found the online message boards at Beachbody where I meet a lot of great people who kept me committed to my fitness goals. I also found a great coach who was there everyday to help me stay on track! Today, I'm still working to sculpt my body and get it into the best shape ever. As I have progressed through my body's transition, I decided to become an Independent Beachbody Coach to help others reach their fitness goals! I realized it was easier then I thought, and I really believe others can change their lives too!

Me and Michael

Changing Day by Day!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I rally had to push myself!

Yesterday was my scheduled long run. This was the day to do my longest run before my half marathon. I was dreading it all week. I still am coughing all day, my legs are still tired when I go up a flight of stairs, it really terrible feeling bad. So, the thought of having to run my goal of 12 miles, was frightening. I thought for sure, I would be laying on the trail dying.

But, I got up oh bright early to meet the Team in Training groups from Howard, Baltimore and Anne Arundel County up at the NCR trail. This was an awesome event. TNT had planned water stops every 2 miles are so. Here they had people cheering us on, motivating us to go!

I started to run, I ran to about 5 miles and I really wanted it to end. I wanted it to be my last mile. I couldn't wait for that water stop to come up at the 6 mile mark. It meant I would be half way to being done. Finally, that last water stop came. It's amazing how long a mile can be when your tired. I decided to take a minute or 2 and just rested. Drank a little while, I had one of those little power gels for a little extra energy. Well, that think must have worked magic! Because off I went. Heading back. The next few miles was just that, a few miles. I must have hit my wall and pushed through it. I think that little gel thing really helped give me some energy to go again!

I was fine, 8 miles was done. I was proud of myself to see the 8 mile marker because that was my longest run before the current run. So, my goal was to go 4 more miles. How hard could that be? I mean, at 8 I was still feeling good!

Ok, 9 miles went by. Now getting to the 10 mile mark was another story. My legs started to burn, my butt was beginning to feel it. I just kept going and going, I new a water stop would be coming up sooner then I thought. I just pushed through!

Finally - my last water stop arrived. Mile 10 was here! that meant I only had 2 more miles to go. I was ready, a quick cup of water and I was off. I think the thought of being close to the end had me on fire. My pace picked up, I was roaring! Ok, that was good until I hit mile 10.75 or so, then, everything was just saying, please where oh where is the end. I kept going. I said to myself, no stopping to walk. My rests will only be at the water stops and the end, I must gooo.

I continued, I finally passed mile 11 marker. I knew I was almost there. Just 1 more mile. Now, my butt and thighs were really getting tired. The burn was definitely there! My lungs, were surprisingly not to bad. I did stop here and there with a coughing fit, but not enough to stop my progress. I pushed through the burn, I had to go. It was funny, there was one time I did actually stop, oh say mile 11.25. I was like, I can walk for a minute then push myself to the end. Nope! My legs/butt were in motion mode. They almost had this, you can't stop now you must go! I really felt that stopping even for a second, was not an option. If I stopped, there was no going again. And, since I was alone, on a trail in the woods, I had to go to finish! I continued to push through. I continued to run. Finally, around the last bend, I saw a glimpse. I saw the finish line. I had to push myself. I knew I had to be running across the line. Yes, this wasn't a real race, but I had just run 12 miles, and dang it if I wasn't going to cross the line going as fast as I could.

I waved to my hubby who was there at the end. I dragged his butt out of bed at 5 am to drive me almost an hour to the run. Only to stand around for me to run 2 hours! He did bring a camera and took lots of great shots!

But, this has been my biggest challenge to date. I did it! I accomplished 12 miles. It took me just over 2 hours, so about a 10-11 minute mile pace. Ok, no awards here, but all I want in the end is knowing I finished a challenge that I set for myself. To run a 1/2 marathon in Oct. and to continue to run a full marathon in Jan. After a 12 mile run, I can't imagine the day I will be running 26 miles!

After that run, I went to a fair and walked around for about 3 more hours. I figured, stopping and sitting of any kind would just be bad news. I was right, when I got home, I pretty much passed out. There was no waking me until the sun came up this morning. As I feel asleep probably by 7 pm (Yup, 7), I could feel every muscle in my legs, feet, butt going what did you do to us? Surprisingly today, I feel great! I can "feel" my calves, but they don't hurt nearly as bad as I thought. Perfect day to go walk around the mall and shop!

At the race, was one of our teams honorable member, Cody Dixon. I think I wrote about Cody before. I cute young boy who has been in remission now for 3 years. His mom continues to tell us about how the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society were there to help him and his family through his treatment. Seeing him there, seeing him at the water stop high five-ing us as we ran by, makes this all so worth it! So, I ask you all reading this to consider making a donation to help me find a cure for Leukemia. I understand it is hard times in this economy, but remember when cancer strikes, it doesn't care about what the economy is doing. And, we probably have all been affected with someone who has had cancer in their life. Now, is a time to make a difference and support my cause. Every dollar does help! You can make your donation by visiting my website at http://thefitnessspot.net/Support_My_Cause.html. This site will take you to a secured Team in Training website. Thank you for your support!

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