About Me

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A little about me. In my normal life, I am a civil engineer who sits behind a desk everyday. I got married to my wonderful husband in 2006. Since meeting him and our many days of eating out and less working out, my weight started to creep up. In August 2007 my girlfriend wanted to get back in shape after her pregnancy. She talked me into running weekly with her. I agreed, and this began my plan to get my body back in shape. I wanted to add some additional workouts to my run, so I pulled out my old Slim in 6 videos. At the same time, I re-found the online message boards at Beachbody where I meet a lot of great people who kept me committed to my fitness goals. I also found a great coach who was there everyday to help me stay on track! Today, I'm still working to sculpt my body and get it into the best shape ever. As I have progressed through my body's transition, I decided to become an Independent Beachbody Coach to help others reach their fitness goals! I realized it was easier then I thought, and I really believe others can change their lives too!

Me and Michael

Changing Day by Day!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What do I eat?

People ask me everyday, what do I eat?  Or do I follow the specific diet of say P90X?

Well, ummm, honest answer, I never really followed the P90X diet exactly as written.  Why, because I really am lazy most of the time to track it to that level of detail.  That said, I do know what I eat everyday!

Meaning, I have my rules.  Which include:
1.  Aim to drink 8 glasses of water a day
2.  Aim to take my vitamins everyday
3.  Aim to eat 5 times a day (3 smaller meals, 2 snacks)
4.  Aim to eat lower carbs and more protein
5.  Aim to eat dinner before 8 am.

I'm a fairly bad/boring cook!  Ok, more like not very creative!  So, that is my one downfall!  But, it makes my diet fairly simple.  I eat a lot of the same things.  Yup, can be kind of boring, but let me explain.

My Breakfast is almost always my Shakeology.  It's healthy, it hits item 2.  Can almost count as 1 glass of water toward my item 1 goal.  It puts something in my belly before work, where as if I didn't drink my Shakeology, I probably wouldn't eat or I would drink a whey protein shake!  

My morning snack is a lot of times a few almonds.  These are good fats.  And, its just often a quick snack that I can leave in my desk drawer.  If I don't eat the almonds, I tend to eat a protein bar.  Occasionally I'll plan ahead and try and grab a piece of fruit (apple, banana, grapefruit,...).

Lunch is really the same thing.  I almost always eat a salad with chicken.  I can mix it up, caeser salad, spinach salad, mixed salad,...  I think its more about what I put into it or what low fat dressing I use that keeps me coming back to a salad everyday.  In winter I often have soup.  And, on occasions, like once a week, I have some kind of sandwich to mix it up.  But, if I go to Subway or a deli, I never get the chips on the side.  Subway has yogurt, which I tend to grab and eat as my afternoon snack.

My afternoon snack is typically one of my morning snacks but different then the morning.  I'm trying to get better and make sure I get this snack in.  Often in a busy day, this is the first snack I miss.

Dinner, is typically veggies or a salad (or both), typically Chicken or Fish as the main course.  I may add in a little carbs here - pasta, potatoes, bread.  If I do potatoes these days, I am for yams - such a great naturally sweet substitute!

So, now I look at it in calories.
Breakfast is about 150 with Shakeology.  Maybe up to 200 if I add fruit or a little peanut butter.
Snack is typically 100-200 calories.
Lunch, I would say is around 500 calories
Snack again is around 100-200 calories
Dinner, guessing is around 500-600 calories.
total for the day = 1600-1800 calories.  Which is perfect.

With the above, I have protein in my snacks, lunch and dinner.  I tend to really only have 1 serving of carbs a day in dinner.  I do notice the best results are low carbs (I can't get rid of all my carbs, love them too much.)  

I almost never have sweets, on an occasionally treat.  I rarely drink alcohol these days, maybe one or 2 drinks on the weekend.

I know I may not eat perfect, but I eat fairly clean and I eat fairly balanced.  I do know when I start to get way over the limits on say my carbs, or I know that my portions maybe getting a little large, then I discipline myself.  I carry a little black notebook in my purse.  I write down and track everything I put in my mouth and when.  When I get home, I input it into Fitday.  This helps me realize when I tend to overeat or cheat or snack.  It helps me realize if I am eating enough or way to much!  It also helps me see what I'm really eating in terms of proteins, carbs, fats!  And, trust me, after a week or 2 I learned my lesson and it is typically enough to get me back on the right track.

So, it's really not that hard.  It's about paying attention to what you eat and as I said yesterday, really being honest with yourself.  If you have trouble meal planning, I want to say look at the meals in the nutritional book that came with your program.  Use them as guidelines on how to eat.  Meaning, its a guide.  If it says peas and you hate peas, its as simple as swapping peas with another veggie you do eat!  The receipts are their as a guide to get you started.  If you want someone to tell you what to eat everyday every meal, I recommend you check out the Beachbody Club.  Its worth the cost to have all your meals, including your snacks for the entire week planned out for you.  Plus, they even give you a shopping list!  Try this for say a month and you will learn the right ways to eat, you will learn what a proper portion size is!  Then nice you know how much and what you eat, you can make anything your heart can dream up.  Or, you can be like me and be boring and eat the same thing, just add different spices, dressings, sauces to change up the meal!

If you are having trouble with your diet, drop me an email.  Let's talk about what and when you eat and how we can maybe make little changes to get you on the right track.  Remember, I've been eating clean for 2 years now.  I did not learn everything overnight, and i still learn and tweak and improve things!  So, no worries if you have a bad meal here or their, just move on and aim for the next day to be better then today!


Email:  HeatherB@BeachbodyCoach.com

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